Paint the pipe.

Once, my friend had a problem with organizing her kitchen. She had done a beautiful renovation, pouring her heart into it, but all her dreams of a lovely and perfect homey atmosphere seemed to be shattered by the ugly and awkwardly protruding gas pipe in the kitchen. Hiding gas pipes behind drywall or plaster is not allowed, and that pipe really stood out in a kitchen that would have been simply perfect without it.

Then the friend did the opposite. Instead of trying to hide or disguise the pipe, she painted it a bright red – exactly the same color used in the hardware of the kitchen cabinets. And, oh miracle, the kitchen became perfect, and the pipe looked as if it had been made specifically for that kitchen.

The pipe doesn’t have to be painted red. It can be painted white with black markings and topped with a pot of greenery – it will resemble a birch tree trunk. You could also paint scales and a snake’s head on the pipe – it would look like a python hanging from the ceiling. Another option is to decorate the pipe with several other pipes bent in different directions, complete with valves and a brass shine – that would create a steampunk effect. You can do anything to make the pipe work for you instead of against you. The very idea of not hiding but highlighting the gas pipe is the essence of solving many problems.

When you try to sell yourself on the sexual market, you start comparing yourself to more attractive options and feeling down. You think, my nose isn’t right, or my eyes are dull, or my hair is too dark/light. You shouldn’t make a problem out of that. Instead, you should turn it into an advantage. In cinema, there are many actors and actresses who aren’t blessed with model-like beauty, but who are confident in themselves and, importantly, that’s what makes them extremely attractive. Jean-Paul Belmondo, Alisa Freindlich, Liza Minnelli, Steve Buscemi – none of them are “ideal beauties,” and that’s their greatest advantage. They are recognizable. They are charismatic. They have their own unique presence. Who would they be if they were just standard Hollywood beauties? They would just stand in line like clones at auditions.

Marketing guru Jack Trout wrote an entire book to convey just one simple idea, which he summed up in the title: “Differentiate or Die!” The worst thing a man or woman can do when trying to sell themselves in the sexual market is to follow trends, styles, and the tastes of the crowd. Yes, it’s important to fit in with your peers. Yes, it’s important not to be seen as a “loser.” But look at the photos of girls from the 80s. They all look the same! The same makeup with winged eyeliner. The same hairstyles with perms, the same shoulder pads, the same tapered pants. What’s the difference between them? None. They all swim in a bloody ocean of competition, instead of creating their own blue ocean where they could dictate the rules of the game.

Often, girls get very anxious about the small size of their breasts. They are right; her clone with larger breasts would definitely look more attractive in a culture that favors bigger busts. However, a small bust is like that gas pipe in the kitchen that can be used in ways that no busty girl could ever manage.

Girls with small breasts try to make them look bigger. They dream of breast augmentation. They buy bras with padding. They notice that most of the women around them who have successfully married and given birth have noticeably larger breasts. But this is the very cargo cult. Married women and mothers have larger breasts because they have given birth, not the other way around; they were able to marry because they had larger breasts. Moreover, after breastfeeding, breasts often “deflate,” and it’s impossible to go without a bra – what you get are noticeable but unattractive “spaniel ears” instead of appealing breasts.

And once again, the cargo cult mentality and ritualization of the phenomenon kick in for the girls. “Everyone wears bras, especially the busty ones – so I have to too.” “Everyone around has bigger breasts,” even though it only seems that way, since most have padding in their bras or, for those who can afford it, silicone under their skin.

But a bra, first and foremost, is a device designed to make life easier for those with larger breasts and to prevent their breasts from sagging unattractively. For those with smaller breasts, a bra is completely unnecessary. It becomes just an extra item in the wardrobe and doesn’t serve its original purpose. It has simply turned into a ritualistic element of clothing, worn just because “I’m already an adult, after all, I have breasts now.”

A girl with a small bust has a very important advantage over others: she looks like a girl, and younger than her actual age, rather than like a cow that has given birth. This works on the male subconscious – “young, virgin, just what I need.” She has breasts, not udders. And it’s time to “paint the pipe red” and show off that bust to those around her while still staying within the bounds of decency. Should she take off her bra so that her perky nipples boldly poke through her clothes?

After all, a large bust is nothing more than a fashion trend. [8]. . Just like the “insertable shoulder pads” of the 80s. There was once a trend for small breasts, which made women look younger. Women would bandage their breasts and compress them so they wouldn’t stick out too much. There were times when legs or buttocks were valued more than breasts. Even 30 years ago, it was quite clear that the idea of “big breasts” was some kind of American trend. In Europe, it wasn’t given much attention, and having very large breasts was not considered a sign of beauty or femininity at all. Interestingly, even today, 52.3% [9]. Men indicated that in their sexual fantasies, they imagined having sex with a woman with very small breasts. [10]. Текст для перевода: ..

Nowhere does any set of rules about “dress code” prohibit going without a bra, especially when the breasts are small. On the contrary, it forbids deep necklines, especially when the breasts are large. But it is precisely when a girl removes her bra that she discovers that “blue ocean” where there is no competition and where she sets the rules of the game. Going braless is not tacky or vulgar. It is not a vulgar provocation like a deep neckline or a super mini skirt. It is not bare shoulders, especially with cheap transparent silicone bra straps. It is, in fact, nothing. But it is noticeable, and it attracts attention in the right way—leaving a “mystery” and allowing a man’s imagination to run wild. Going braless works somewhat like stockings. From the outside, you can’t tell if a girl is wearing stockings or tights. But she knows. And this changes her walk, her behavior, and her attitude towards those around her. It changes in a very positive way, especially when it comes to marketing in the sexual marketplace.

The book “Blue Ocean Strategy,” published in 2005, discusses how to gracefully escape competition by stopping investments in “fashionable” or “trendy” competitive advantages. The authors, W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, are representatives of a leading European business school. The book illustrates the rapid growth and high profitability of companies that can generate productive business ideas by creating previously non-existent demand in a new market (“blue ocean”), where competitors are virtually absent, rather than competing with numerous rivals in low-profit markets (“red ocean”). After conducting 15 years of research, the authors demonstrate through 150 successful strategies over a span of 120 years across 30 industries how the implementation of the “blue ocean” idea—stepping away from competition and discovering new niches and markets—leads businesses to success.

In the book “Blue Ocean Strategy,” the example of Cirque du Soleil is often cited as the most successful circus show in the world today. When the circus industry was mired in competition, trying to cram more tigers and elephants, clowns, variety stars, and even performances in multiple arenas into the ticket price, Cirque du Soleil stopped the “race for size” and completely left the arena, opting instead to present shows as theatrical performances with a cohesive storyline. They effectively took the best elements from both theater and circus, allowing them to break away from competition and even the very idea of comparing Cirque du Soleil to other circuses.

Using a small bust as an advantage is a typical “blue ocean” strategy, where a market participant steps away from the “arms race” and offers the market radically different characteristics and properties of a product that consumers desire. After all, no one says that breasts must be large. They should be firm, not sagging, and make a woman look younger and more attractive. By removing size competition from the agenda, one can easily surpass all other competitors in other important characteristics and reap the rewards from the market.

Girls who consider taking off their bras often think that people will stare at them, but in reality, it doesn’t attract any more attention than usual. You could even ask male friends to understand their calm attitude towards this. But this works on a “second” level. It also has another effect. On one hand, the courage and boldness required to remove a bra gives a woman that confidence which is noticeable to everyone around and catches the attention of men. It’s about accepting yourself as you are, freeing yourself from the almost always unfounded fears of not being beautiful or attractive. This is what helps in building a career, getting married, realizing ambitions, and breaking free from habits and rituals. It’s a form of aggression directed in the right way. So, be prepared that by taking off your bra, you might unsettle all your friends. After all, it can be quite uncomfortable to be around someone whose success is clearly greater than yours, not just in words or appearances. Importantly, this approach cannot be replicated by any girl with a larger breast size. Moreover, her bra, which she is forced to wear, will hide her breasts from men, making her just like everyone else.

A large bust is a strong and effective attractor. It doesn’t even depend on gender. Everyone—both men and women—pays attention to a large bust. Moreover, it is more visible from a distance than a small one. This has been ingrained in our brains since infancy—it represents a source of food, safety, and good mood. It’s a universal problem solver. It’s no coincidence that the “standard” image of a shop assistant includes a large bust spilling out from an unbuttoned robe. However, a bust will never be the reason to marry or not marry a woman. Any woman who opts for foam instead of a bra won’t complain that a man left her because he was disappointed in her breast size. The majority of women who have already married and had children will recall worrying about their breast size at some point. Yes, there are some men who are obsessed with size, but they are extremely rare. They are the exceptions. Think about whether you really want such a man. Perhaps it’s better to keep such people at a distance, especially if you have a large bust that is likely to “deflate” after the first childbirth to the standard “spaniel ears.”

A small chest without a bra is also a strong attractor. And it’s clearly no less powerful than the breasts heavily advertised in glossy magazines and almost never seen outside of Photoshop. At the same time, there is an important distinction: the absence of a bra under clothing acts as an unconscious attractor that the mind cannot resist. A woman who showcases her nipples under her clothes is actually activating the strongest manipulative mechanism she has. And this leads her to success.

In essence

• There’s no need to hide your flaws. Moles, freckles, unusual facial features, a small bust, hair color, and other seemingly problematic aspects of your appearance can be used to your advantage. Embrace them as your unique selling points.

• Features related to poor health will not serve as competitive advantages. Therefore, it’s worth spending money on the gym, dentist, orthodontist, dermatologist, nutritionist, hairdresser, and orthopedist.

Wearing a bra for a woman with a small bust is more of a ritual she rationalizes than a rational and conscious action.

• It’s better to compete in the “blue ocean” you’ve created than to fight with competitors in the “red ocean.”

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