Tower Defense in the brain

Each of us has an internal defense system against bad news. This system helps us maintain a positive mood, prevents our nerve cells from dying for no reason, and generally keeps us on the right wavelength. The main issues faced by unhappy people are often related to a malfunction of this defense system.

Do you want to see how it works? Write on any photo blog that Canon is better than Nikon, and you’ll see how fiercely users of each brand’s cameras will argue for the superiority of their equipment. It’s worth noting that from the photos taken, you can’t really tell what camera was used to capture the shot.

Also, any political propaganda is necessary… for the supporters of a particular politician. They will listen closely, scrutinize, and read carefully. Propaganda is needed to strengthen the ranks of their supporters; however, the same propaganda has a completely opposite effect on opponents. Mass political advertising campaigns only unite the opponents of a given politician. The system of ensuring happiness works: “I’m not a fool for making my choice.”

Try asking people for their opinions on a particular brand of televisions. Try explaining to a car owner of a newly purchased vehicle that they are mistaken in their choice. A whole set of items will fly out of the trunk — a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, a warning triangle, and a jack.

By the way, about cars. Once, psychologists conducted an experiment where they asked a car dealer to give customers the option to choose another car within a week if they didn’t like the one they purchased.

It turned out that the very possibility of choice,about which the Bolsheviks spoke to us for so long and so insistently…makes a person unhappy! The feeling of happiness a week after the purchase among people with the “option to choose” was half as much compared to those who were not offered such an option. Wow! It was interesting to see the adjectives that buyers in the same position used to describe their feelings about buying a roadster. Those without the option said that the seat “embraced” them and they felt like pilots in a cockpit, while those with the option complained about… the cabin being too cramped.

What is this story about? It’s about the fact that when you ask a client “why,” you are trying to apply a methodology. overcoming objections like a “filter,” you turn it on in their mind Tower Defence and he starts to actively defend his point of view.

— Buy a Canon camera!
—I like Nikon!
— Why?
— (the sound of servomotors turning turrets, aiming barrels, and spinning the barrels of Gatling guns).

P.S. Canon is better 😛

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