Two ice cream machines

I was restoring two ice cream machines. One will be a backup, and the other is for resale. Just cleaning and fixing them up, you know.

Inside my ice cream machine, I use a high-pressure washer. On the outside, where the ice cream is actually made, you can clean it with a special liquid called “new ice cream machine.” It’s true. You pour it in, wait a couple of hours, drain it out — and the machine looks like new. One problem though — you have to work with gloves up to your elbows and wear protective goggles.

There was a leak in one of the machines. I found the spot. Damn… it shouldn’t be there. It’s just a factory defect in the assembly that damaged the large pipeline from the condenser to the compressor. It was just a leak that appeared after 15 years where the pipe was over-compressed. I had to take apart the entire floor of the ice cream machine to get to the spot. I couldn’t find a way to fix it. Then a wizard came and did the unthinkable. There’s no more leak. I would have replaced the whole pipe…

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