Do you want a recipe for a thoroughly corrupt state?Here you go. To begin with, let’s understand what the essence is. punishments The essence of punishment for a crime lies in making the harm to the criminal from the committed offense unacceptably disadvantageous compared to the benefits gained from committing Continue Reading
What is spirituality?
We are all discussing the phenomenon of spirituality here, trying to make jokes about the “screws,” but in reality, Russian spirituality has a rather formal description that sounds like: “the emotional content of a transaction.” It has long been known that the human brain only remembers events that have emotional Continue Reading
True believers
How can we tell if a person is acting according to their conscience or just because they are being watched? Will they behave well if there are no consequences for wrongdoing? How many of you steal when no one is watching? Almost none. In other words, to identify the true Continue Reading
On the contrary!
The whole world is woven from decisions that contradict “common sense” and are paradoxical. To keep a dog from running away from its owner, you shouldn’t use a leash. To get children to eat better, you should feed them less. To attract people to you, you need to be less Continue Reading
With a predatory smile ©
The Carboniferous period, a time when vegetation actively removed carbon from the atmosphere and generated oxygen, is full of intriguing stories. For instance, the story of insects. It was a time not just of “giant dragonflies.” It was a time when, in general, could emerge flying insects. After all, when Continue Reading
Philosophy of Information
Author: Maslyayev Alexander , published: 04/2017, Spring is an interesting time of year, and it should be celebrated properly. A deep, heavy, multi-part debate about the essence of information is, in my opinion, a pretty good way to celebrate spring on GeekTimes. I apologize in advance for the fact Continue Reading