There is an opinion (in several types of businesses) that the person who brought a client to the company should continue to serve them. In general, it’s hard to argue with this. In B2B (and other large) sales, the decision to purchase is made with an eye on the prospect Continue Reading
Only the “old-timers” are going into battle.
During World War II, American pilots who demonstrated exceptional skill were withdrawn from the battlefield and sent home to train the youth. This way, young pilots learned from the best, while the best always remained in reserve. The Japanese approach was fundamentally different. They sent aces into battle, as an Continue Reading
The power of managerial thought
As I mentioned earlier, one of the main problems in management is the inability to see the cause behind the forest of symptoms. Here’s an example.There is a Western division of the company that is performing well. In another region, the Southern division, the results are not impressive. In both Continue Reading
On Understanding Client Orientation
The main problem that arises when establishing a client-oriented approach is alienation. This is the very alienation that Karl Marx spoke of, illustrating how a person becomes estranged from the results of their labor. A simple example: a temple built by people from stone and glass becomes an alienated symbol, Continue Reading
How to save on HR?
What is HR for most companies? First of all, it’s one or more people who need to be paid salaries for reasons unrelated to the business, provided with computers, given office space, and, even worse, have business processes wrapped around them and managerial resources allocated from the perpetually busy company Continue Reading
The benefits of mistakes are overrated.
In the business world, failure has become an expected ritual. You hear from all sides that nine out of ten new companies go bankrupt, and you are told that the chances of success for your new business are either slim or nonexistent. You are told thatFailures make us stronger. People Continue Reading
Why grow?
People ask, “Is your company big?” It’s a small question, but they don’t want to hear a small answer. The bigger the numbers you mention, the more impressive, professional, and strong you will seem. “Wow, cool!” if they hear that you have over 100 employees. If your company is small, Continue Reading
Where fatigue is considered a measure of work.
In our culture, the idea of workaholism is widely accepted. We hear about people who stay at work until late at night or even sleep at the office. It is considered a great achievement to throw yourself into the fray for the sake of completing a project. There is no Continue Reading
Do not copy.
At times, copying can be part of the learning process, for example, when we see an art student working in a museum on a copy of a famous painting, or when a drummer, alone with themselves, recreates… solo. John. Bonema from “Moby Dick,” Ice Zeppelin While you are learning, such Continue Reading
Marketing is not just a marketing department.
Does your company have a marketing department? If not, that’s fine. If you do, don’t think that only those people are responsible for marketing. Accounting is marketing. The marketing department is not. Marketing is something that everyone in your company is constantly engaged in, 24 hours a day, seven days Continue Reading