It is now believed that to sell effectively, one should not push products but rather engage in “consultative selling.” All salespeople have rushed to study this approach, attending training sessions where they learn to ask the right questions and are trying to apply their new skills. However, in the phrase Continue Reading
Telephone sales
I am always amazed.however, they do not despairThere is a desire among people to create a training program for telephone sales that would enable them to sell effectively over the phone. Typically, the target audience suggested is a group of overly anxious young individuals from a call center, who lack Continue Reading
From signal to meaning
In the May issue of the magazine “Around the World,” there was… published article Alexandra Sergeeva It will be available to everyone starting in August 2010, however, I thought the essence of this article would be very interesting to my readers. I am publishing it here because I reference it Continue Reading
On Causes and Consequences
We’ve been laughing as a community on the internet for years at the naive Polynesians who profess… cargo cult In reality, manifestations of this cult are visible everywhere in our post-Soviet reality. We have a large agricultural company that is wealthy and independent, with its fields being traversed by ultra-modern Continue Reading
How to get married for a woman over 30
Now I will explain how a woman over 30 can get married using a standard sales approach. You can view this text as a humorous attempt to apply a well-known theory from another field to an existing problem. Alternatively, it can be taken seriously as a demonstration of sales theory, Continue Reading
About the information
I have an article here. reposted From a sales perspective, the essence of the article is that information is neither transmitted nor received. It arises in a person’s mind in response to external stimuli. No matter what we say to the customer, what matters is not what we said, but Continue Reading
Levels of problems
For example, if you are selling motivation training and communicating with the HR department, the first-level problem might be, let’s say, employee turnover. A secondary issue will be that, for example, it is mainly mid-level managers who are leaving, and it is expensive to train them. The problem at the Continue Reading
More about industry specifics
Let’s imagine a situation where someone is selling, say, a motorcycle. Potential buyers come, look at it, ask questions, and the seller responds. They answer professionally, with expertise, and demonstrate the finer points. The buyers scratch their heads and leave. Now let’s imagine that this person is an amateur when Continue Reading
The necessity of planning
Of course, the goal is to sell as much as possible to earn as much as possible, but it’s important to understand the role of planning in sales. Table of Contents Toggle Planning the lower point Performers A place in the sun New product Budget Planning the lower point On Continue Reading
Planning is like divination.
Unless you are a clairvoyant, long-term planning is a fantasy genre for you. In reality, there are simply too many factors that we cannot foresee: market conditions, competitors, consumers, the economy, and so on. Creating a plan gives you a sense of control over something that you actually do not Continue Reading