
Roman Petrov

White sales

The most cunning and clever way to increase sales is through genuine love for the customer.

UDC 339.371

BBK 65.422


PetrovWhite Sales / Roman Petrov — K.: Summit-Book, 2013. — 336 p.

ISBN. .978-617-661-051-9

The book describes an approach to sales that is relevant in the 21st century. Sales are successful only when they are open, sincere, and based on customer recommendations. It provides numerous practical examples of using this approach, as well as theoretical justifications for various sales recommendations.

The book is aimed at a wide audience of readers whose activities are related to business, sales, and sales management.

UDC 339.371

BBK 65.422

Editors: K. Borodachenko, I. Simenko

Proofreader: K. Borodachenko

Illustrations and cover: “Royal Artists,”

ISBN .978-617-661-051-9

© Roman Petrov,

Reviews of Roman Petrov’s book

“White Sales”

There is a phrase “The ability to sell.”—.“from God and this cannot be learned.” This opinion may have been relevant at the dawn of market relations in independent Ukraine, but it certainly isn’t the case now. In the 1990s, we sold in a state of chaos, and in the 2000s…—.We started learning from foreign experiences, trying to adapt them to our mentality, habits, and principles. Some things worked, while others…—.No, something was invented or refined, but in any case, the foundation was based on foreign theories and practices. And finally, since 2013, salespeople can rejoice: the book “White Sales” has been published! In it, you won’t find dry scientific definitions or millions of quotes from various sources with detailed descriptions of obvious things. The book is a page-turner. With numerous vivid examples from the author’s own practice, practical advice (not directives) applicable in any sales field, and a light writing style, it has become a true bestseller. Returning to the quote mentioned above, I can confidently say that with the book “White Sales” in your arsenal, you can learn to sell!

— Andrey Pantyukhov

Head of the Corporate Client Department at NSC “Olympic”

From the perspective of a practicing salesperson, this book is incredibly relevant. From the very first page, you can feel that it is filled with practical experience and knowledge from the best specialists in the CIS in the field of sales. It can be unequivocally recommended to anyone who is already working in sales or aims to build a career in this area! The era of theoretical literature is over; this book ushers in an era of practical and applied literature that will help you sell better right from the first page…

— Stanislav Birov

Business Development Manager, Oracle

I see that this book was intended as both a textbook and a reference guide for those who are just starting their journey in sales. This is evident from the easy writing style, the coverage of sales from their inception, and the overall structure of the book.—.with a step-by-step introduction to the essence of modern sales, brief summaries for reinforcement, and exercises at the end of each chapter.

However, after reading the book to the end in one breath, I saw it from a completely different perspective. It presented itself as the quintessence of knowledge and sales practices, incorporating both the processing and analysis of the works of other sales experts, as well as personal experience and the author’s viewpoint. Drawing from personal experience, the author weaves the idea of changing the very approach to sales throughout the book: moving away from “hard selling” and fostering long-term, honest, and mutually beneficial relationships between buyers and sellers.

Thanks to its clear structure and the abundance of examples from various companies, industries, and individuals, this book will undoubtedly appeal to a wide audience: from novice salespeople to seasoned professionals, and from homemakers to executives or business owners.

— Pavel Krapivin

First Deputy estimator пред. chairman management,
Bank “Kontrakt”

White sales—.A book about how a seller should THINK today. The product, a beautiful office, the price.—.All of this is necessary, but not enough for successfully building a sales process. It’s important to actively engage in the life and problems of your client, to empathize and understand their needs, doing so sincerely and not in a “cookie-cutter” manner.—.Here are the main ingredients suggested by the author for the dish called “sales.”

— Andrey Muzhuk

Sales Director Allianz “Ukraine”

My meeting with the First Sales School, “White Sales School,” took place two years ago. After getting to know its visionary founders and their philosophy, I realized that someone had finally managed to compile all the practical approaches that truly work in sales: real experience without banal theory, a clear system for managing sales processes, and the philosophy of White Sales.

I am very glad that the author has fulfilled my long-standing dream by writing a book about sales as they should be in the 21st century.—.civilized, honest, literate, and systematic.

In fact, the formula for success in sales is not as complicated as it seems. At its core are: addressing the real needs of customers, respecting clients, and building trusting relationships with them. It doesn’t matter where these sales take place: in professional, personal, or social spheres.

My experience has shaped this definition and understanding of the phenomenon: sales.—.this is, first and foremost, a system and a certain philosophy—.beautiful and humane.

Why do I recommend this book? Because it provides a clear understanding of how to build a system for beautiful, honest, and, most importantly, effective sales. Who do I recommend it to? It is intended for absolutely everyone.

— Eduard Savushkin

Vice President of Business Development
the company “INKOM”

Roman Petrov

“White Sales”

Roman Petrov—.A well-known Ukrainian sales specialist, business trainer, and business consultant, Roman is recognized for a number of publications on sales and sales management in various business publications in Ukraine. He is also a co-author of the book “Rekonizm: How Information Technology Strengthens Reputation Over Power, and Openness Makes Privacy Safer.” With 15 years of experience in sales and sales management, he has worked across more than 20 industries, including aviation, financial services, law, information technology, FMCG, consulting, agriculture, franchising, media, advertising, multi-level marketing, and others.

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