The benefits of mistakes are overrated.

In the business world, failure has become an expected ritual. You hear from all sides that nine out of ten new companies go bankrupt, and you are told that the chances of success for your new business are either slim or nonexistent. You are told that
Failures make us stronger. People say it’s better to make mistakes early than late. You’re told that those who don’t make mistakes are doing nothing. With such a burden of defeatist attitudes, you’ll never achieve success. You’re absorbing negativity. Don’t do that! Don’t let yourself be deceived by statistics. The failures and mistakes of others are just that—mistakes.otherspeople.
If other people are unable to sell their product, that’s their issue, not yours. If others can’t build a team, that’s on them, not you. If some people can’t price their goods or services correctly, that’s their problem, not yours. And if others can’t earn more than they spend, well… you will.

There is another common misconception that you should learn from your mistakes. However, what do you really learn from your mistakes? Perhaps you learn that you…don’t do itin the future, but how valuable is that? You still don’t know what you want.We need to do time.
On the other hand, consider what allows us to learn from our successes. Success gives you a tool. When something works, you know what did the trick, and you can replicate it. And perhaps next time, you’ll do it even better. Failure is not a guarantee of success. Research from Harvard Business School has shown that entrepreneurs who have achieved success once are more likely to be successful in the future (the success rate of companies is 34%). However, those entrepreneurs whose companies failed the first time have almost the same chances of success in the future as newcomers: only 23%. People who have failed before have the same chances of success as those who have never tried anything at all. Read more. Text for translation: here. The only thing worth valuing is the experience of success.
Actually, this is not some kind of revelation. It’s a principle of nature’s existence. Evolution does not rely on the losers; it always continues based on what works. You should do the same.

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