After all, if we’re not talking about a “head of human resources,” then the work of such a person is still all about sales. It’s the sale of the company to job seekers. It’s selling the benefits of working for this particular employer, selling the reasons to work, selling the Continue Reading
Human Resource Management
Articles on Human Resource Management and Recruitment
Industry specifics
There are people who consider themselves professionals in a certain field and are convinced that only those who have a thorough understanding of the specifics of their product or service can sell it. The majority of people fall into this category. They say that you can’t properly present a product Continue Reading
The whims of the employer
Imagine a conversation between a guy and a girl: — You know, I’m afraid to marry you. — Why? — Well, you’re not the first for me, and in general, you’re clearly available. You’ve had a few men before me. — But if I hadn’t been available, you wouldn’t have Continue Reading
Full glass
В. aspiration In their search for the ideal candidate, employers often overlook a simple truth: a person can be motivated by development, growth, achievements, recognition, and responsibility, rather than just by doing what they already know how to do and where their skills are already developed. What interest could a Continue Reading
Aspects of Recruiting
I was helping someone recruit a salesperson. The person is a pro in recruiting, so I’m not in a position to give him advice. However, we encountered an interesting dilemma. We needed to hire a young person with no experience, someone willing to work for growth rather than for a Continue Reading
What they are looking for and what they offer
What is a person looking for when applying for a job with you? Why wouldn’t they pursue this work themselves, as a business owner or freelancer? What do they want from your position and your requirements? When you ask a lot of people, the answer is usually the same: “stability.” Continue Reading
How to quickly identify a professional?
The first magical recipeThe point is that a professional is not as interested in the tools. Well, they are interested, but not to the same extent as an amateur. Shall we look at some examples? Everyone, except for accountants, thinks that accountants love numbers. It seems that every accountant dreams Continue Reading
Client portfolio
Employers often express a desire for a salesperson who already has a client portfolio or for a top manager who comes with their own team. What do employers really want? In fact, they are looking for a reliable solution to their problems. If we ask them directly why they need Continue Reading
Choosing the best candidate
Just recently, I was discussing with a good acquaintance a rather clueless HR person who was looking for a full-time trainer for a pharmaceutical company. The initiative and the task itself are not subject to criticism, except for doubts about the young lady’s ability to handle it adequately. evaluate a Continue Reading
Dialogue about salary
What salary are you expecting?— Money doesn’t motivate me.— But still, there must be a minimum that you’re willing to accept, right?— I’m willing to work for free!— Are you serious?— Of course.— Agreed, we will get you set up for work now!— I don’t understand your joy.— Well, why Continue Reading