Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” The term “disruptive technology” was introduced by Clayton M. Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School, in his 1995 article “Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave” published in the Harvard Business Review. He later elaborated on this concept in his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma: When Continue Reading
Articles on Management
The Rise of Third World Countries
Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” A new chapter has opened in global economic history, one in which the United States, and to a lesser extent Europe, will no longer play the dominant roles they once did. The process of redistributing money and power worldwide, shifting away from the United Continue Reading
Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” Hypercompetition occurs when technology or offerings are so new that standards and rules of the game change rapidly, leading to competitive advantages that cannot be countered. It is characterized by intense and swift competitive actions that rivals must quickly undertake to create new advantages Continue Reading
State stabilization funds
Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” A sovereign wealth fund (SWF) is a state-owned investment fund composed of financial assets such as stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, or other financial instruments. SWFs have existed in one form or another for many decades, and their numbers have sharply increased since Continue Reading
Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” When the topic of the environment comes up, many business leaders primarily associate it with risks and opportunities. When it comes to risk, businesses often see their goal as avoiding costs related to accidents, consumer boycotts, or environmental lawsuits. All of this is becoming Continue Reading
Empowering clients
Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” In the past, companies dominated the information landscape. They could launch powerful advertising campaigns, create a brand using radio, television, billboards, newspapers, and magazines. If customers sought additional information about a brand or seller, they could only rely on their own experiences or the Continue Reading
Transparency as added value
Table of Contents Toggle Dumplings with meat inside. New is well-forgotten old. Asymmetry of information. From the Life of Dinosaurs Wikinomics Presumption of disclosure of information What to do? Dinosaur Marketing Mass spectrometer at the market. Acceptance of the Inevitable Dumplings with meat inside. Imagine five packs of dumplings lined Continue Reading
Wasps and pioneers
When I was a camp counselor, there was a joke among us that everything about being a counselor was great. There were just two things that got in the way: wasps and pioneers. Everyone understood the essence of this joke, as they all knew that without pioneers, there wouldn’t be Continue Reading
How to properly pay the seller
If you’re asking for serious topics, be prepared for serious answers that can’t be covered in just one post 🙂 When evaluating the compensation of a salesperson, it is important to understand the following: Does the seller do any other work besides direct sales? How long does the sales cycle Continue Reading
Building sales from scratch
Starting conditions: There is a genuine willingness from the owners or shareholders to build a new business, and to ensure its successful operation, sales need to be developed. As mentioned earlier, when we talk about business, we distinguish it from self-employment and understand that by the term “entrepreneur,” we mean Continue Reading