Unless you are a clairvoyant, long-term planning is a fantasy genre for you. In reality, there are simply too many factors that we cannot foresee: market conditions, competitors, consumers, the economy, and so on. Creating a plan gives you a sense of control over something that you actually do not Continue Reading
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Selected translations from the book Rework. They are posted on this site for the purpose of citation in other articles.
Learning is light.
You can run promotional campaigns. You can hire salespeople. You can act as a sponsor. However, your competitors are doing the same. How can this help you stand out from the rest?Instead of trying to spend more than they do, hire more salespeople than they do, or sponsor more money Continue Reading
Press releases are spam.
What do you call an announcement sent to hundreds of strangers in the hope that one of them will take notice? Spam. That’s exactly what press releases are: announcements that you send to hundreds of journalists you don’t know, hoping that one of them will write about you. Let’s take Continue Reading
Use restrictions.
I don’t have enough time/money/people/experience. Stop whining. Less is more. Limitations are advantages, not problems. Limited resources force you to get things done with what you have. You don’t have room for unnecessary expenses, and that includes your creativity. We all know that inmates can make weapons out of a Continue Reading
Custom tailoring, not mass production.
If your business is successful, people will try to copy what you do. It’s just a law of life. However, there is a great way to protect yourself from copycats: Makeсебя.Make your product or service unique by incorporating your distinctive way of thinking into what you sell. Create a custom Continue Reading
Less heroism.
Very often more reasonable better to leave than to be a hero.For example, let’s say you think the work you’re about to do will take two hours. However, four hours later, you’re only a quarter of the way through. Your natural instinct tells you, “I can’t give up; I’ve already Continue Reading
Too good is also bad.
Many people take pleasure in solving complex problems. However, over time, you can get used to constantly exercising your intellectual muscle and become “addicted” to it. Then you’ll start seeking out another challenging task that provides the same satisfaction from the work done, regardless of whether it was truly necessary Continue Reading
The benefits of mistakes are overrated.
In the business world, failure has become an expected ritual. You hear from all sides that nine out of ten new companies go bankrupt, and you are told that the chances of success for your new business are either slim or nonexistent. You are told thatFailures make us stronger. People Continue Reading
Why grow?
People ask, “Is your company big?” It’s a small question, but they don’t want to hear a small answer. The bigger the numbers you mention, the more impressive, professional, and strong you will seem. “Wow, cool!” if they hear that you have over 100 employees. If your company is small, Continue Reading
Where fatigue is considered a measure of work.
In our culture, the idea of workaholism is widely accepted. We hear about people who stay at work until late at night or even sleep at the office. It is considered a great achievement to throw yourself into the fray for the sake of completing a project. There is no Continue Reading