The Future of History

FRANCIS FUKUYAMA Professor at Stanford University. CAN LIBERAL DEMOCRACY SURVIVE THE DECLINE OF THE MIDDLE CLASS? Published in the journal Foreign Affairs , No. 1, 2012. © Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.Translation: Journal Russia in Global Politics, 01-02/2012, Something strange is happening in the world. Both the global financial Continue Reading

100 things I will do when I become the Dark Lord.

Peter Ansprach «The Top 100 Things I’d Do If I Ever Became An Evil Overlord» Origin: Translation by Mikhail Vershkov ( Being a Villain is not a bad career choice. It pays well, there are plenty of little perks, and you can choose your own working hours. However, every Continue Reading

Too good is also bad.

Many people take pleasure in solving complex problems. However, over time, you can get used to constantly exercising your intellectual muscle and become “addicted” to it. Then you’ll start seeking out another challenging task that provides the same satisfaction from the work done, regardless of whether it was truly necessary Continue Reading

Technological advancements and the IT revolution

Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” Information technology (IT) is one of the key factors shaping the process of globalization. Progress since the early 1990s in computer hardware, software, telecommunications, and digitization systems has enabled the rapid transmission of data and knowledge from anywhere in the world. The information revolution Continue Reading

Revolutionary Technologies and Innovations

Quote from F. Kotler’s book “Chaotica” The term “disruptive technology” was introduced by Clayton M. Christensen, a professor at Harvard Business School, in his 1995 article “Disruptive Technologies: Catching the Wave” published in the Harvard Business Review. He later elaborated on this concept in his book “The Innovator’s Dilemma: When Continue Reading