Roman Petrov White sales The most cunning and clever way to increase sales is through genuine love for the customer. UDC 339.371 BBK 65.422 P30. PetrovWhite Sales / Roman Petrov — K.: Summit-Book, 2013. — 336 p. ISBN. .978-617-661-051-9 The book describes an approach to sales that is relevant in the Continue Reading
White sales
White sales
Roman Petrov White sales The most cunning and clever way to increase sales is through genuine love for the customer. White sales Content Reviews About sales with love What we sell Who are we selling to? Where to find a buyer? Why does he need this? When a client objects Continue Reading
White sales
© All rights reserved to Roman Petrov. When quoting, it is necessary to indicate the source of the quote. The world has become accustomed to the constant struggle between buyers and sellers. In life, those who succeed are the ones who can skillfully recognize manipulation, resist external influence, and know Continue Reading