Everything you see in me is not mine, it’s yours. What is mine is what I see in you. — Erich Maria Remarque, The world you live in, and the world each of us inhabits, consists of no more than what we know. We cannot imagine or truly know what Continue Reading
The system is going haywire.
The mechanism embedded in our brains that is responsible for rationalization, searching for reasons, and attempting to predict consequences, as well as the urge to find patterns in random events and the obsessive desire to explain everything to ourselves and others, is regulated by dopamine. This neurotransmitter has been responsible Continue Reading
Is it correct?
Even if we manage to organize a guaranteed impartial vote count, which can be achieved by granting complete independence to the Central Election Commission—essentially creating a separate “electoral” branch of government with its own funding system and implementing various electronic systems with cryptography—we will still not be able to answer Continue Reading
Salespeople often develop the belief that if they are selling their product, the target person they need to communicate with is a bureaucrat in the organization whose business card says “Director of Product.” However, in most cases, these are not the people with whom you can discuss the business problems Continue Reading
System bug
Translation of the post: https://pastebin.com/dKN54qH5 — I think I’ve come up with a way to fit our multiverse simulation into our tight budget.— I’m all ears.— First, it’s necessary to optimize the obvious things. I reduced the spatial resolution to about 10^–35 m, and the temporal resolution to the amount Continue Reading
I feel sorry for the little bird.
Every Sunday, he would go to the market, buy a bouquet of flowers, and spend a long time choosing a chicken or a rooster from the market vendors. Sometimes he would pick a turkey or a duck. Later, with the flowers and the bird, he drove to the park, reaching Continue Reading
If I become a dictator
If I become a dictator, I will pay a lot of attention to culture. Symphonic music, art exhibitions, poetry. I will introduce many cultural festivals in my country. I will give preferences to true art lovers. I will create named subscriptions for them and involve as many people as possible Continue Reading
How to organize cross-selling
In business-to-business communication, motivation plays the same role as it does in interactions with people. Motivating with money is foolish and ineffective. Often, one business (A) offers another (B) a “partnership” based on the idea that Business B sells the products or services of Business A and receives a commission Continue Reading
In the North of Russia, there is the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery. A massive kremlin that had to fend off sieges seriously. It’s a beautiful place. This monastery is located in the town of Kirillov. Well, “located” might not be the right word… The town is essentially attached to it. It used Continue Reading
How to choose a goal?
How can you figure out where to go if you need to reach the top, but you don’t know where it is because your eyes are covered? The answer is simple. You should go where it’s harder. That means you’re heading uphill. And where it’s easier—on the contrary, it’s downhill. Continue Reading