This will be a text in several chapters, in which I will explore some aspects of salespeople’s motivation.This post will be aboutHorizontal careeras a means of motivation. However, before delving into the topic, I will start with a preface. PrefaceOften what I will be writing about is also referred to Continue Reading
Articles on Management
Sales structure
To fulfill their functions in managing salespeople, a manager at each level should not only monitor the level directly below them but also the level that is one step lower. This approach allows them to accurately assess the quality and effectiveness of their direct subordinates’ work and implement managerial actions Continue Reading
About the stars and what to do with them
There are two types of stars:— those who truly work the best, and we will consider the effect of the star seller in this aspect.— We will examine the causes, symptoms, consequences, and treatment methods for those who have fallen ill with “star syndrome.” We will look at this through Continue Reading
First steps
Table of Contents Toggle First step “Meaningful Deputy” Group of sellers What we give and what we take Maximum number of sellers First step Now let’s imagine that we are dealing with a business organized by the will of a single individual. He does not have the ability to divert Continue Reading
Hierarchy in the herd
Hierarchy has nothing to do with managing people. The local Alpha may not even be the boss of the office. Moreover, it’s likely that they aren’t, as bosses and subordinates are placed in their positions not based on the principle of “who has the silver back,” but rather on factors Continue Reading
“Why” in management
— Did I ask you to make this report?— Yes…— Did you do it?— No.— Why? Stop.. Why ask your subordinate this question? Do you really want to know?whyIs the report not done? Even if, by chance, you’re interested.trueThe reasons for the absence of the report—how will this help in Continue Reading
They’re just like children!
In pedagogy, there is a viewpoint that a child who misbehaves, acts out, and constantly gets into trouble doesn’t actually want to be disruptive; rather, they want attention. It’s a misconception to think that attention means more toys, nicer clothes, or extra ice cream during outings. That’s not attention; it’s Continue Reading
Struggle with facts
Often, or rather almost always, people tend to fight against what has already happened. And that is something we cannot overcome. If something occurs that we don’t like, the worst thing we can do is try to struggle against it. If sales are below expectations, there’s no point in fighting Continue Reading
Deadlines for the completion of work
One of the scariest places where you shouldn’t even think about… negative motivation is the term for failure to meet deadlines. In this case, “ the paradox of the log “It doesn’t turn on — the work still needs to be done, but there is a strong drift towards a Continue Reading
The source of the problem and its solution.
Let’s say you encounter a problem. You look at the issue and start fighting it. You come up with measures to combat it, invent strategies and rules. You manage conflict situations, reduce consequences, and so on. However, you do nothing about the source of the problem. Of course, the Continue Reading